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Should You Get a Vehicle Tracking System?

A Guide To Vehicle Tracking Systems

by Salvador Paez

Nobody likes to have their car stolen, but sadly enough, car theft is still a very popular crime today. Thankfully, an innovation has been created to help prevent this, and it's called vehicle tracking. Basically, vehicle tracking is about installing a tracking system device into an automobile, and allowing another type of remote hardware track in on the device, if ever needed. There's a lot more about this system than meets the eye. Vehicle tracking is a technology, first used in the shipping industry. Today, just like other types of technology, there have been numerous innovations and changes that made it more efficient and reliable. It also requires a unique type of system, so it will perform at its best.

A vehicle tracking system is a set or collection of electronic devices used to track down the located of a certain vehicle by its owners or other third party groups. The scope of these systems also includes the protocol these electronic devices use in order to communicate with each other and perform their functions as intended.

Many modern day vehicle tracking systems are used today, such as:

LoJack - LoJack is a vehicle tracking system developed and manufactured by LoJack Corporation. Its name, LoJack, is a rather comical derivative of the term "hijack".

GPS has many user-friendly functions. For one, because it uses satellite tracking, it doesn't need a direct line with the sky. This makes it more efficient and reliable in numerous ways. GPS's efficiency is even preferred by numerous law enforcing automobiles, and it's considered their most common way of tracking vehicles.

GPS - The GPS is the most common type of vehicle tracking system nowadays. It is a satellite system that is being monitored and maintained by the government, which makes it very cost-friendly to civilians.

Just like GPS, LoJack is a very efficient kind of vehicle tracking system. Based on actual tests, this device is said to have a 90% efficiency rate when it comes to vehicle recovery. LoJack also helps prevent car theft. According to one study, this and systems like it generally helps lessen the occurrence of carjacking.

Another type of vehicle tracking systems is the LORAN, which uses radio frequency similar to LoJack.

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